Deep Dive CleanTech // by DWR eco

Deep Dive CleanTech // by DWR eco

Closing the gender gap in climate leadership| Deep Dive Cleantech #70

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Gender inequality is persistent even in the progressive climatetech sector both in entrepreneurship and corporate leaderships. However, diversity at the top of the table or in founding teams are key to develop a successful and future-proof companies. But how? In this edition of the podcast I talk to my co-founder of Womxn for ClimateTech and Innovation Sarah Needham about concrete measures to reach gender equity, whether its a large corporation, start-up or a VC.


  • Why women are critical in the decision-making process for the fight against climate change?
  • How gender equity improves both financial and climate impact of organizations?
  • How to “move the needle”, so the climatetech sector is not becoming another boys club?


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Über diesen Podcast

Deep Dive CleanTech ist Dein Business, Investment und Technologie Tauchgang zur Green Economy. Im Deep Dive CleanTech lernst du von Gründer*innen, Unternehmer*innen und Investoren unserer Zeit, welche technologischen Lösungen, neue Geschäftsmodelle oder Investitionen skalierbare Business-Antworten auf die globale Klima- und Umweltkrise liefern können. Ob Energie- oder Verkehrswende, grüne Chemie, Wasser-, Land- oder Kreislaufwirtschaft - hier bekommst Du Inspiration, Handlungsoptionen und viel Erfahrung von den Besten.

von und mit David Wortmann // DWR eco


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